Missing Puzzle Pieces
You know those final moments when you're finishing a big puzzle? There's only one piece left to go but- it's MISSING! Noooo! Well. I confess, I have had the opposite mindset. I've SO wanted to have the opportunity to replace a puzzle piece for the longest time! A friend was clearing out their stash of puzzles and we were so blessed to be given some. So, we got to working on the puzzles right away. All of them 1000 pieces, all of them whole. Ok, one puzzle was 1500 pieces. We left that one until last. You guessed it. the puzzles were whole. Yay! Then, the enormous 1500 piece puzzle was cracked open. It was probably the hardest puzzle of them all. It took a long time. It was one of those ones that had so much detail in it that you had to keep referencing the picture. Thankfully, this one not only had the cardboard box to look at, but it came with a printed picture, too. You guys, this puzzle ended up having, not only one but, three missing pieces. YAY! My puzzle-piece-rep...